To explain company law in a general term, you might say: company law deals with the association of individuals. The German law knows two forms of this kind of association. You are free to incorporate a body of persons ( GbR, OHG, KG...) or a corporate body ( GmbH, AG, e.V., etc.) easily by contract and-if necessary- additionally by an entry into the commercial register.
There are various reasons why people launch an entity - from the intended limitation of liability to the noble prestige of a capital company; you can run across all variations of motivation in legal relations.
Before we launched your company we should first take a closer look at your motivation launching your enterprise-it is not unlikely, that in the end you have missed a very important aspect planning your enterprise - did you think of the taxation of your new company?In the context of taxation we have a close corporation with a handful of specialized tax advisors, who will find the best legal form for your enterprise and guide you through international taxation and accounting.
We can support your enterprise by

  • made-to-measure bylaws
  • creating rules of order for your company´s organs
  • authoring shareholders' resolutions and by solving other administrative tasks
  • creating employment contracts for the CEO or the board of management of your new company
  • due diligence procedures


Christoph Sochanowski

Heiliger Weg 11

D-44135 Dortmund

Telefon: 0049-231-84160974

Fax:      0049-231-84160975






Verkehrsunfall im Ausland

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