Right in the heart of Dortmund

our office is 100m away form the county court.

You can reach the chambers easily by car or by the suburbs-town centre traffic.


Free Parking

You can find plenty of free parking along the "Heiliger Weg" Street if you follow it in southern direction from the intersecting street "Arndtstraße".

Use the route planner below for planning your approach by car.

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Suburbs-town Centre Traffic

Using the tube from the central railway station you can reach the chambers as follows:


go to the Kampstraße station by

  - U 45 in the Westfalenhallen direction
  - U 41 in the Clarenberg direction
  - U 47 in the Aplerbeck direction
  - U 49 in the Hacheney direction


from the station Kampstraße use the tube U 43 in the Brackel/Wickede direction to reach the station Ostentor.


Leaving the station Ostentor by the exit "Hamburger Straße" go left into the Weißenburger Straße and follow it. The Heiliger Weg Street is the extension of the Weißenburger Straße. You can find the office on the right hand side.


Alternativly you can plan your approach by suburbs-town centre traffic using the service of the Bahn AG or the ÖPNV.


Christoph Sochanowski

Heiliger Weg 11

D-44135 Dortmund

Telefon: 0049-231-84160974

Fax:      0049-231-84160975

e-Mail  info@interessen-vertretung.de





Verkehrsunfall im Ausland

Wer sich nach einem unverschuldeten Verkehrsunfall im Ausland um seine Rechte bemüht, scheitert oft schon an einer Sprachenbarriere. In diesen Fällen können wir Ihnen zum berechtigten Ersatz Ihres Schadens verhelfen.


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